Sunday, December 9, 2007


At this time of the year I need to curtail my stitching - however I do want to keep up for these last two lessons. It would appear that I need to do fewer samples.
This week two of the design tools we were to examine were what happened to stitches when we applied assymetry and and what happened when we stacked stitches. I still had not completed my herringbone sampler from the last lesson and it seemed to me that this stitch could be a good candidate for testing assymetry. The band on the left uses two rows of stitches worked assymetrically but mirrored around a symmetric row. I then added assymetric fly stitches in spaces and knots in the centre of the normal rows.
The band on the right consists of 4 rows , mirroring each other, again forming interesting spaces. I left one section untouched and used stretched cross stitch in the spaces formed on either side. I had not previously considered the implications of changing the shape of stitches this way and was delighted to see how neat it can be.

1 comment:

sharonb said...

Hi Marg
Marg I just tried to email an apology to you about leaving you of the Take it Further challenge list and got a "Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently" message
I swear I
did not mean to leave you out. Sorry. It's been corrected now