Well Lesson 2 arrived yesterday. Now to turn that Concept into a Form!
I spent quite some time playing with Portuguese Stem Stitch. I discovered a number of things - probably the most important one was that most of my stitching (and certainly any with an ecru thread that matches the fabric) will need to be done in good natural light - the penalty of aging eyes! I like it (PSS) and will probably use it to outline my large circle. I have been trying other stitches recommended by Sharon - lots of fun. This morning I calculated it is at least 51 years since I spent any time on any embroidery except cross stitch. No wonder I feel very rusty. Hopefully my fingers will become more agile as time goes on.
At the moment it is only sampling - I made a part tracing of the design on a small piece of linen. I tried the PSS, outline stitch and stem stitch for outlining the circles -after that some pulled cretan stitch for the background - first in a fine white singles weaving linen and then in an even finer weaving acrylic yarn, Moonshine. Moonshine is possibly too subtle to be used on its own. It is not much thicker than some human hair but I do like the irridescent effect it can give. I like the effect of pulled cretan. I think I would like to stitch the larger arcs in either running or back stitch . There is lots more experimentation to be done.
I am not sure how long I have to play before I get stuck into the actual piece. However I must try a few more stitches before I can submit my ideas for feedback. I also think I might need some slightly darker threads - the ones I have collected are mainly very pale tones.